Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Create XML Publisher Report using RDF

Basic XML Publisher Report

Overview: Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based publishing solution delivered with the Oracle E-Business Suite. User can generate output in PDF, XML, TEXT, HTML, RTF at run time.
Pre requisite: 1) Word configured with XML Publisher Desktop
Step 1 : Develop simple tabular RDF report using Oracle Report Builder.

             Name of the Report - Test.rdf.


          Place this RDF report on server $CUSTOM_TOP/reports/US.

 Step 2: Create the concurrent executable for this Report. 

           Navigation: Application Developer Responsibility->Concurrent->Executable

Step 3: Create a concurrent Program for executable which we declared above. 

          Navigation:  Application Developer Responsibility->Concurrent->Program 

   Note: 1. Make Sure Output Format should be XML 

          Define the Parameter as per your need.(For this Click on Parameters button and define).

Step 4 : Add this concurrent program to Custom Applications request group.

           Navigation : System Administrator -> Security -> Responsibility -> Request 


Step 5: Run this Test Report from the responsibility where you added this report in request group.

            Navigation : View -> Requests -> Submit a New Request -> Single Request.  


Step 6: Save the XML generated by above request.

         Navigation :  View -> Requests -> Find -> View Output (your request)


     Generated XML will open in browser.
           Save this XML.

Step 7: Creation of Template using word configured with XML/BI Publisher.

       All Above are the static Tags.
       Save this template.
       Note : Template should be save with .rtf extension

Step 8: Load the XML 

       Load the XML which we saved in Step 5.
     Navigation : Sample XML  -> Browse your saved XML file -> Open

     Adding repeating rows, Click on Fields.

    You can see G_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER is the repeating group so need do use For Loop to fetch all employees.

    Navigation : Click Repeating Group 


     Select the group in for each column.

      Here you can see for loop tags are generated on template.

Step 9: Add remaining the tags in template

     Click on Fields and select the tag which you want to insert.


     Click on insert.

         In the same manner you can insert rest tags in template.


     We have completed our template now. To confirm the output of template we built. Click on preview option such as PDF,XLS,RTF etc(Highlighted in below screenshot).


   Below is the preview of template in Excel format.


Step 11: Register the Template to Oracle Application.

   Pr-requisite: Xml Publisher Administrator responsibility assigned to your user.

For registering the template, First we need to define the Data Definition in Template Manager.
      Navigation : Home -> Data Definitions

 Click on Create to create data definition.

Note : Please make sure code of the Definition should be the same as short name of concurrent program which we register for the same.

Step 12: Create Template.

Navigation : Home -> Templates.

Click on Create Template.

Please select default output format as per need

Step 13 : Run the Concurrent program.


You can find the template is attached to concurrent.(Highlighted in above screenshot).

Submit the request and view the output of the request,we will get output in excel format.

For more Oracle Fusion HDL Videos  please click here

For more Oracle Fusion Extract PDF Output Videos  please click here


  1. Hi nice article but i am not able to get the output in html format ,while this i can view in pdf output format. Please help me out

  2. kindly add creation of views, add views in valuesets, and valuesets add in parameters.....

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