Showing posts with label Oracle Fusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oracle Fusion. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Top 50 Fusion HCM Technical Questions - Part 2

 Top 50 Oracle Fusion HCM Technical Questions - Part 2

Top 50 Oracle Fusion HCM Technical Questions - Part 1 Click 

Q) Mandatory Records to Load Worker File for NEW Hire?
->  Worker , Person Name , Person Legislative Data, Assignment, Work Term.

Q) Sequence of WorkStructure Business Object While Load?
-> Work Structure Business Object loads in below sequence 
     1. Location
     2. Grade
     3. Job
     4. Orgnization
     5. Position

Q) If any Location is end dated and same location we are providing in Worker File then what will happen?
-> HDL will fail to load the data. It will give error as "You must enter a valid value for the LocationId field.

Q) Can we delete Location using HDL?
-> We can not delete Location. You can end date the that Location and make inactive.

Q) What will happen in below Scenario?
        Scenario - If we have future date changes for any worker and we tried to load the current any changes for the same worker using HDL.

-> If we tried to load the current changes then it will purge the future changes because by default 
     PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES value set as Y.
     If you want to keep future dated changes then set PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N so that it will         keep future dated changes after the data load.

Q) Which Role is required to process the file using HCM Data Loader?
->  You required the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist Role (ORA_HRC_HUMAN_CAPITAL_MANAGEMENT_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST_JOB)

Q) How can you change the delimiter in HDL File at run time?
->  You can set delimiter in HDL File using SET FILE_DELIMITER command.

Q) "The party identified by the specified party ID does not exist" Error while loading Personal Payment Method using HDL?
-> Reason - > Party Id is not created for those Worker.

 Solution - Run Below scheduled process 
                1 - Maintain Party and Location Current Record information
                2 - Synchronize Person Records 

Q) How to create personal Payment Method incase joint account scenario?
-> Create two different personal payment method for each employee and both can be tagged to same account.
In this case primary account holder name will be displayed in UI for both methods. 

Q) Talent Profile data loaded successfully using HDL, But not able to see at front end.
->  Loaded Profile information is not able to see at front end because of two reasons
            1. Check Section Id/Section Name is correctly used
             2. Check Content Type Id/Content Type is used correctly.

Q) Load Non Workers with person type Pensioner using HDL?
-> You can use Person Type Code and System Person Type with Pensioner in WorTerm and assignment Metadata line. 

Q) Supervisor Load is failed what could be the reason and solution for the same?
-> Cause - Manager's hire date is earlier than assignments effective start date
      Solution -  Add Work Term and Assignment record which is later than Manger's hire date   along with supervisor record.



Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Oracle Fusion BIP Report Questions with Answers

 Q) Navigation to build the BIP Report in Oracle Fusion.


Navigation to Build the BIP Report in Oracle Fusion.

Data Model Navigation.

Tools -> Report and Analytics -> New -> Data Model

Data Template Navigation.

Tools -> Report and Analytics -> New -> Report.

Q) What is Data model?

->  Data Model is a object which contains set of instructions for BI Publisher to retrieve data and structure data for report. Data Model defines data source, data structure and parameter for the report.

Q) What are the Components of Data Model?

->  Components of Data Model.

1. Data Set

2. Event Triggers

3. Flexfields

4. List of value

5. Parameters

6. Bursting.

Q) What is Data Set?

-> Data Set contains logic to retrieve the data from the single data source. A data set can retrieve the data from variety of data sources like database, existing data file, web service call etc.

Data Set

Q) Can we use Triggers in BIP Report?

-> Yes, we can use Event Triggers in BIP report. The Data Model supports before data and after data triggers as well as schedule triggers.

Before Data and After Data triggers consists of a call to execute a set of functions defined in PL/SQL package stored in oracle database.

Schedule Trigger is executed for a scheduled reports.

Q) What is split by and deliver by?

-> Split by - Choose how you want to split the data. 

Deliver by - Choose to whom you want to deliver the data.

Q) How to generate multiple language report in BIP ?

-> We can use translation feature to generate the report in multiple language repot. Template can be translated from the properties page from the properties you can generate XLIFF files for the single template. Click extract translation to generate the XLIFF files.

Q) How to schedule the BIP reports?


1) In report and analytics -> New -> Report Job

2) In Create Section -> Published Reporting -> Report Job

3) In Catalog -> Select Report -> More-> Schedule

4)  You can schedule the report using ESS Job also.

For more Oracle Fusion HDL Videos  please click here

For more Oracle Fusion Extract PDF Output Videos  please click here

Monday, 9 April 2018

Top 50 Fusion HCM Technical Questions - Part 1

Top 50 Fusion HCM Technical Questions

HCM Interview Questions

Top 50 Fusion HCM Technical Questions - Part 2 Click 

Q) Explain HCM Loader Keys.
1. Source Key - Originate in the object source environment. Source Key has 2 components, SourceSystemOwner,SourceSytemId. 

MERGE|Job|SE|2010/01/01|4712/12/31|Software Engineer|COMMON|EBS-UK|12349

 2. User Key - User keys are part of that object that they belong to. You can use user to create and update object
MERGE|Job|SE|2010/01/01|4712/12/31|Software Engineer - Java|COMMON

 3. Surrogate Id - Surrogate Id is numeric value. It is automatically generated at the time of creation of object in fusion. You can use surrogate Id to identify existing objects only. Surrogate ID is the unique numeric value for that record. (like for location it is location id , for job it is job id)
MERGE|Job|13413|2010/01/01|4712/12/31|Software Engineer - Java

4. Fusion GUID - GUID is hexadecimal value. GUID is automatically generated at the time of creation of object.
MERGE|Job|2342UJHFI2323|2010/01/01|4712/12/31|Software Engineer - Java

Q) How to change Non primary Work Relation Flag to Primary?
->  Click Here to see details

Q) Where you can find the HCM Loader keys?
-> hrc_integration_key_map table

Q) Can you track multiple transaction happen in single day on assignment record?
-> Yes we can track. For some objects more than one update per day is maintained by creating physical record for each one. Such object include an effective sequence number in each record to show the order in which update made multiple times in a day.

Q) How to find records error out using HCM Data Loader?
->  1) You can check the errors by clicking the message icon in import and export window.
     2) You can find in below Tables
          hrc_dl_file_linesFusion Interview Question

     3) Using Run Diagnostics Test - Test Name  (HCM Data Loader Data-Set Status ) provide the         Content ID  for the same. This one is the oracle standard method to find error records in HCM Data loader.

Q) Common Entity used in HCM Fusion Extracts 
Retrieves all persons across the enterprise and all person related attributes.
Retrieves all workers and their payrolls across the enterprise, all person, worker, payroll related attributes, and element entry data.
Extract Assignment Basic History (PER_EXT_ASSIGNMENT_BASIC_HISTORY_UE)
Retrieves assignment history as on the assignment effective start date.
Extract Assignment Basic Information (PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_BASIC_UE)
Retrieves assignment data as on the effective date.
Retrieves assignment history as on the effective date.
Extract Current and Future Persons (PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_NOW_FUTURE_UE)
Retrieves current and future person details. Specify advanced filter criteria to restrict person types.
Extract Current and Future Assignments (PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_NOW_FUTURE_UE)
Retrieves current and future assignments.

Fusion Interview Question

Q) Different type of person types in HCM Fusion?
Beneficiary, dependent,  retiree, APL, EMP, CWK, EX_APL, EX_CWK, EX_EMP, volunteer, etc.

Q) How you will correct termination date of Work Relationship in HCM Fusion application using HDL?
-> To correct the termination date, need to pass newActualTerminationDate and also set CorrectTerminationFlag attribute to Y.

Q) Significance of EffectiveSequenceNumber.
If you are loading date effective history for an object with multiple changes in a single date, EffectiveSequencenumber will increase by 1. 
If only one change exists for an effective start date then effective sequence number must be 1. 
Do not leave EffectiveSequenceNumber blank when you are trying to load multiple changes on the same day.

Q) FBL v/s HDL
HDL Supports all flex field including Extensible Flex Field and People group Flex field.
Supply components data separate data files in FBL whereas you can supply data using single file in HDL.
FBL supports only GUID whereas HDL supports 4keys.
FBL supports around 21 objects and HDL supports around 90 objects. 

 Q) Can Oracle transaction Business Intelligence(OTBI) integrate with Fusion HCM extract?
Yes. You have two options:
1: HCM Extracts can extract the data and produce an output using CSV, XML or PDF. OTBI can then accept a data source in excel or XML format (SaaS customers will need Oracle to set this up for them).
2: BI Publisher can also accept a data source in excel or XML format (again SaaS customers will need Oracles help). HCM extracts has integration with BI Publisher.

 Q) What is the difference between the ‘Assignment Status Type’ and the ‘Extract Employee Assignment Status Type’ attributes? 

The 'Extract Employee Assignment Status Type' attribute is a DBI group which is directly associated with the user entity when defining the block. The 'Assignment Status Type' attribute is a DBI group which is associated with a different user entity, and is accessible because of contexts that have been set (indirectly derived).
Directly associated DBI groups are more efficient compared to indirect. Therefore, it would be better to use the 'Extract Employee Assignment Status Type' attribute rather than the 'Assignment Status Type' attribute because of performance considerations.

Q) Can you create a user entity? 
 -> No. 

Q) How do you schedule the HCM Extract in fusion application?
-> You can schedule the HCM extract using fast formula with 'Flow Schedule' as a type.

Q) How we can extract the changed data from last run date to till date using HCM Extracts?
-> Yes, We can extract the changes only data from last run. We need to select the option "Include changes from last successful run" at the time of defining the HCM extract.

Q) What are the different type/attribute for changes only parameter in HCM Extract?
-> There are 6 values for this parameter.

Step by Step Explanation of Changes Only HCM Extracts  Click 

  1. All Attribute
  2. Changed Attributes
  3. Changed and Marked Attributes
  4. Changed and Marked Attributes with previous value
  5. Changed, Marked Attributes under threading group
  6. Changed, Marked Attributes, previous data under threading group

Q) Explain Global Person Model in HCM Fusion.
->  1) Person Records are global, create only once.
      2) Person Records are independent of legal Employer
      3) Person resign from the organization then Work Relationship records are terminated.
      4) Person Record having information like Name, Date of Birth, National ID etc.

Q)How to create dependent parameter for BI Publisher report in HCM Fusion?
-> We will take one simple example of dependent parameter for BIP report in HCM Fusion.

   1st Parameter  - Person Id 

This is the independent parameter. We will fetch person_id from per_all_people_f

Define the parameter-

Define the List of Value -

2nd Parameter - Assignment Id Based on Person Id

Define Parameter -

Define List of Value -

Use this parameters in Data Set SQL.

Q) How can you purge Future assignment record using Data Loader?
-> Yes we can purge future changes.
     It will purge the future changes.

Q) How you will assign multiple assignment for a single work relationship?
-> You can assign multiple assignments for single work relationship using PrimaryAssignmentFlag.
     For primary assignment, set  PrimaryAssignmentFlag to Y.

Q) Explain Global Transfer Case?
-> Transfer the Person from one legal employer to another legal employer. In this current Work Relationship record got terminated and create new one record with another legal employer as Active.

Navigation - > Person Management  -> Employment Task

Impacted Tables

Q) Significance of Key Attribute field in HCM Extract?
-> We need to configure Key Attribute which is uniquely identify each row return by the data group.
     For Changes only mode, you must select at least one attribute in the block as key attribute.
     e.g. Person id for person details

Q) Advantages of HCM Extract Vs BIP Reports ?
BIP Reporting Tool - It is a simple reporting tool. You can write your own SQL and get data. You should have knowledge on joins between the tables. You can use BIP reporting tool for formatted output.
HCM Extract - For the complex reporting you can use HCM Extracts. Using Extract you can derived the data from different sources or modules, you can easily use hierarchy or parent-child relationship. You Can work at a level above the BI/SQL where you don't  worry about tables,joins.
You can extract in Full Mode or schedule interface to provide you the changes only data since last successful run.

Q)How you will validate data files are correctly formatted?
-> You can use Data File Validator tool to validate the format of data files including flexfield configuration.

Q) Can I use DELETE and MERGE metadata in the same data file during data load?
-> No, you can not use DELETE metadata for an object has the MERGE metadata in data file.
Q) How to load NULL values using HDL?
 -> Use #NULL to load the null values for any attribute in MERGE metadata.

Q) How to use the Source Keys in HCM Data Load?
-> To use the Source Key in HCM Load you have to configured it in
         HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER lookup in system. If it is not configured then by default system will use FUSION as a source system owner.

Q) What are the output format of HCM Extracts?
-> Output Format - CSV,XML,Excel,HTML,RTF,PDF

Q) What are the different types of  HCM Extracts?
-> Full Profile , Payroll Interface, Payments, Benefit Carrier, Archive Retrieval, HR Archive, Payroll Archive.    

Q) Delivery Type in HCM Extracts?
-> Document of Record,Email, FTP, FAX, File System, HCM Connect, HTTP, Printer.
Detailed Component :-
Email            Start Date,End Date, Delivery option name, Output Type (PDF,RTF),
                      Report (Path), Output Name(Template Name), Delivery Type(Email), 
                      CC, Email, BCC,Attachment(Y), Message Body,Subject
FTP              Start Date,End Date, Delivery option name, Output Type (EFT),
                     Report (Path), Output Name(Template Name), Delivery Type
                     (FTP),Secure FTP(Y), Remote Directory, password, user Name, 
                     server name.

Q) Root Data Group is mandatory in HCM Extracts?
->  Yes, at least one of the data group must be declared as Root Data Group and other data groups have to be linked appropriately. 

Q) Explain threading database item in HCM Extracts?
-> Threading Database Item is required for implementing the changes only feature. It is the unique ID for that User Entity. You can declare the threading database item at root data group or child data group level where you required changes only data.

Q) How you can use BIP report in HCM Extracts?
->  You can launch BI Publisher from Report and Analytics Work Area. Install the BI Publisher plugin. You can develop RTF template in MS word using BI Publisher Plugin using Load XML Schema.
Now you have to define the report . For this use existing standard model. (/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Data Models/globalReportsDataModel). Save the report.Latest Datamodel have two parameters Payroll action id and Flow instance name. Flow instance name will be the flow pattern run given earlier when submitting the extract.

Q) How to schedule the HCM Extracts?
->  Yes, We can schedule the HCM Extract recursively like Daily, Weekly,Monthly.
     If you want to create custom schedule you need to create fast formula with type as Flow Schedule.

Q) Standard BIP Report in HCM
->  Person Enrollment Summary Report, Compensation Workbench Print Statement, Performance Document Rating Report, Total Compensation Statement report etc.

Q) How to Filter the Data in Template while developing the BIP Report?
->  You can filter the data using filter condition based on the Data Field, Operator and Value.
     You can filter the data for Chart view, table view.

Q) Different Delivery Option in BIP Report
->  Printer,Fax,Email,HTTP,FTP.
    You can define these delivery option using following navigation:
Administrator -> Manage BI -> Delivery -> Type of Delivery option 

Q) How to Schedule the BIP Report?
->  You can Schedule the report using following methods:
1) In report and analytics -> New -> Report Job
2) In Create Section -> Published Reporting -> Report Job
3) In Catalog -> Select Report -> More-> Schedule

You have to set Frequency like Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual, Specific Dates.

Q) How to Burst BIP report in Fusion HCM?
->  Using Bursting option you can split your Report into multiple documents and deliver it to one or more destination.
E.g. Report output having 3 columns Business Unit, Department,Location
You can split the report based on Business unit column with resp department and location for that Business unit.

Business unit
Progress US BU
Support PRG
Main Campus
Support PRG UK
Finance PRG
RF Hospital
Progress US BU
Biology US
Main Campus
Finance PRG UK
Biology US FN1
RF Hospital
Facilities PRG UK
Facilities PRG US
RF Hospital

Split by BU
Business unit
Business unit
Progress US BU
Support PRG
Main Campus
Support PRG UK
Progress US BU
Biology US
Main Campus
Finance PRG UK
Facilities PRG UK
Business unit
Finance PRG
RF Hospital
Biology US FN1
RF Hospital
Facilities PRG US
RF Hospital

Create Bursting Definition.
Name , Type,Data Source Name, Split by , deliver By, SQL Query.

Split By On the basis of BU
Deliver By BU

In SQL Query you have to mention Template,Output Format, Delivery Channel.

Enable the Bursting output in report properties.

Q) Can we update Source Keys?
->  Yes, We can update it using SourceKey.dat.

Q) How to change hire date of existing Worker/Employee?


MERGE|WorkRelationship|XXTEST|XXTEST_HIREDATE1|100009|India Legal Entity|2002/02/10

For more Oracle Fusion BIP Report Questions with Answers  please click here
For more Oracle Fusion HDL Videos  please click here

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