Development of Simple OTBI Report
In this blog we are going to learn how to develop/create your first OTBI report.
You can see Step by Step Creation of OTBI Report in this video
We will develop the report for below details:
- Person Number
- Date of Birth
- First Name
- Last Name
- Grade Name
- Job Name
- Department
To achieve this requirement follow the below steps.
Step 1 -
Open the Oracle Fusion Application.
Step 2 - Navigation
Follow the below navigation,
Navigator -> Tools -> Report & Analytics -> Click on Browse Catalog
Step 3 - Creation of Simple Report
Click on New and then Analysis
It will pop up list of predefined Subject Areas in Oracle Fusion.
Select the appropriate Subject Area to develop the OTBI report.
As per our requirement we are going to select "Worker Management - Worker Assignment Real Time"
Subject Area.
It will open the report development page.
It contains 3 sections:
1) Subject Area -
It hold all the selected Subject Area Details.
2) Selected Columns -
In this section we can add columns required for report.
3) Filters -
Using this section we can add filter to restrict the data in report.
Step 4 - Adding Column in Report
As per our requirement add the columns.
Person Number, DOB, First name, Last Name are related to Worker.
Expand the Selected Subject Area then Search for Worker Folder to add above columns.
Expand Worker Folder add above mentioned columns like Person Number, DOB etc.
Then add Job,Grade and Department Name columns from respective folders.
To run the report click on Results.
It will give you the output.
Step 5 - Change the Column Heading
Click Column Setting -> Column Properties -> Column Format (tab)
Enable the Custom Heading check box.
Enter the required Column Heading.
Run the report again to check if column heading are changed or not.
Step 5 - Add Filter on OTBI Report.
Suppose we need to apply filter on Person Number then click Column Setting of Person Number, select Filter.
It will popup filter details window.
In this you can mention how you need to apply the filter based on your requirement.
Run the report to check if filter is working fine.
Step 6 - Save the OTBI Report.
Save the report in My Folder.
You can find your report in My Folder.
You can see Step by Step Creation of OTBI Report in this video